Live online show.

Join Russell Fox in this inspiring live online motivational show and talk as he shares his inspiring story with key insights from his journey and what he did to achieve the immense success he has to help you dream the impossible too and achieve it too.

Key Insights in

  • Health & Lifestyle
  • Personal Development
  • Leadership
  • Business

Russell Fox: Magician Insane presents...

dream the impossible

overcoming the batties of the mind!

Experience the only motivational talk featuring an inspiring psychological illusion and mentalism show.

Find hope through the incredible story of a man who defied the odds, dared to dream the impossible, and achieved it too.

As a child Russell faced a range of insurmounatble neurological disorders and disabilities, including epilepsy, asthma, dyslexia, ADHD, and a mild form of Tourette’s.

He was deemed ineducable and was told he would never read, write, work, or drive. Despite these challenges, Russell overcame all obstacles and achieved amazing success.

Today, he is known as Russell Fox Magician Insane, Africa’s most inspiring and influential mentalist, perceptionist, psycholigcal illusionist, world record-holding endurance artist, illusion and magic designer and consultant, motivational and keynote speaker, lifestyle coach, philanthropist, and a thriving businessman.

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