My heart aches with the weight of your absence, My Sunshine, My Forever Person, My Fiancé & Future Wife, Zerry Taal. You were my everything, “Me Bebe” My Baby.

I will always love you.

FEB 1974 TO 8 JUNE 2023

Russell Fox: Magician Insane presents...

Virtual Reality


What happens when you combine the magic of modern Livestream technology together with the wonder of first-rate illusionism and mentalism? Answer: The most riveting virtual show you’ll see this year!

“Russell Fox: Magician Insane” meets yet another milestone on his journey to defy natural borders by bringing the world of live, interactive magic to one international stage. His back-to-back virtual show sets a new benchmark for live online entertainment, challenging your barriers of belief without the use of trick photography or special cinematic effects.

Enjoy Russell’s blend of charisma, comedy, telekinetic powers, and mind-reading capabilities from the comfort of your own home. Sit gasping in amazement alongside your family, friends, and fellow patrons from around the world.

Few understand the adversity that Russell has overcome to become the man that is rated as South Africa’s leading magician, mentalist, and illusionist. Diagnosed as a child with neurological disorders such as ADHD, Epilepsy, Dyslexia, and Tourette’s Syndrome, he was condemned to settle for second best in life. But it is his determination to overcome the odds that has kindled a passion to show people that we cannot live life based on skin-deep perceptions but can mold our minds to accomplish impossible feats.

His mission to fight neurological adversity and stigma has graduated Russell from the position of artist to philanthropist, as he unites his deep love for entertainment with a heart for those in need. As such, Magician Insane and partners such as Afrosapien Entertainment, 26 Clicks and Open Door Productions partner to raise funds for neurologically challenged people and special needs schools in Africa and Abroad. With your help, just one of Russell’s back-to-back show evenings could financially assist a special needs school significantly or change a special needs individual’s life forever. A significant portion, equivalent to 40% of your ticket cost, will be allocated to support highly specialized medical treatments that deliver remarkable outcomes for individuals facing neurodiverse challenges or to assist a special needs school in securing the necessary resources to improve the educational experience of its students.

Virtual Reality brings both mind-blowing entertainment to your household and a greater kind of ‘magic’ to the home of someone special in need of help.



Catch A Glimpse Of What The Show Is About

Get Your Tickets Before They Sell Out. Seating Is Limited!

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